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Introduction Video

Please use the tabs in this digital portfolio to explore the provided examples of my contribution to environmental teams and view evidence of some of the incredible ideas and achievements of these collaborations. 

I absolutely love sharing my passion with these highly talented, highly knowledgeable teams of people.   


My name is Alexandra Lay I'm a final year Bachelor of Environmental Science (Wildlife and Conservation Biology) Deakin student and I am honoured to welcome you to my portfolio application the Deakin Hallmark Award for Teamwork Excellence in Environmental Science 2021. 


In this portfolio you will find various examples and evidence of how my experiences meet the three standards of this award:


Sustained and meaningful contributions to diverse teams

Through volunteering, professional commitments and Deakin university activities I have made significant contributions to diverse teams both locally and internationally. Some of my contributions to volunteer teams include being an ADSA Youth Ambassador, JGIA Roots & Shoots Area Coordinator and Promotions manager at the Deakin Enviro Club.

I have also worked in strong teams at Deakin through various core units and in professional experiences as the JGIA Embrace The Wild Project Officer.


Significant impact of teamwork on the environment

Myself and my team members have had many positive impacts on the environment by running environmental workshops for youth, tree planting and physical habitat restoration work and the facilitation and promotion of environmental events. 


Development or implementation of creative and innovative ideas or processes within a team

Through the development of the Embrace The Wild Resource kit, event promotions, communications via infographics and social media posts, I have been able to implement original, creative ideas within teams. 

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